Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Kyle's Balloon Garden

I am so excited. I have been working hard for the past year to help a lady that found me on Craigslist and shared her story with me. Her son has a rare form of Cancer that very few people know about, much less understand or spend research money trying to understand. She asked me to make some balloons at a fundraiser to go towards research. I told about a couple of thousand?

That was 8 months ago and I have been busy. I have teamed up with three other balloon artists and we will not only be creating one of the world's largest balloon gardens in her son's honor, we will be teaming together as a company on all major events as "AZ Balloon Artists".

If you would like to come out and see something that doesn't happen everyday, join us in "Kyle's Balloon Garden" on March 5th, 2011 at 15 E. First Ave., Mesa, AZ 85210 (held in the parking lot at First United Methodist Church) from 10:00am-2:00pm.

We have designed the garden to allow us to give out balloon centerpiece to take home as a gift for a small donation.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

New Balloon Designs

As a professional balloon artist, I have to come up with new balloon designs every few months to make sure I am not creating the "same old stuff" at each child's birthday party. This is especially true for my clients that have large families and I see them every couple of months. Finding designs is not hard, finding fast and cool new designs is a bit more of a challenge.

Today I am focusing on balloon hats that are new and cool. This is always a challenge because I have to invest in new balloons and memorize a new creation that takes lots of time to practice. I estimate that I spend at least $25 on each new design I adopt and about 8 hours of time to practice it enough to turn it into "muscle memory". This amount of practicing gives me to confidence to twist and talk to children at the same time. I don't have to stop and much air do I put in the third balloon?

Since there are so many great balloon twisters out there creating new and different designs. I often go the internet for my inspiration. For example, I found this photo on the internet and designed that it has some really cool features. It is simple because it uses only 6 balloons and it does not require an extreme amount of memorization. I can use it as a 4-5 minute design at a slow party at first and modify it if I have more time and add a mouth and teeth. I could also make this into a "dragon head" stick using a two balloons spiraled together and attaching this head. It would make a great balloon toy to chase the girls with!

Here is another fast a cute design that kids of all ages like. I love to make fish, but find that I have to stay away from using orange and white. It can be hard to explain to a three year old that I did not kill Nemo!